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March 16, 2007

WALMART ANTI TRUST SETTLEMENT Acceptors from 10/25/92-6/21/2003

've researched the class action and here's my findings. This is a very famous suit in our industry. Walmart was the leader because when debit cards first came out the rates were the same as regular cards and there were no options for PIN pads. The MC/Visa pirates and their member banks ripped merchants off big time. It covers the time period you were accepting between 10/25/1992 and 06/21/2003. The first point is you are entitled to money The second point is you should make a claim as it's easy and free (except for the in place lawyer fees). Many merchants are receiving their claim forms. If you have not received yours or have misplaced it no problem just go to http://inrevisacheck-mastermoneyantitrustlitigation.com/
The rule of thumb is you are entitled for up to $20 for every $100,000 of MC/Visa sales you had in 2002. So if you did $4,000,000 in 2002 you may have $800 coming.
Contact me if you need information as to how to file your claim.

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